“The Obedience of Faith among the Nations”

The meaning of “justification” has recently become a debated topic in Pauline studies.  The central thrust of Romans has always been a debated topic.  Our Pauline Theology professor for this fall is Dr. Bill Barcley.  At a recent gathering of the Evangelical Theological Society, Dr. Barcley read his paper titled “Romans, Missions and Justification” that brings these two concerns together.  He avers, “Everything in the letter must be read in light of Paul’s missionary agenda,” and then puts forward “a reading of Romans that recognizes the centrality of Paul’s missionary goals, makes sense of the Jew/Gentile dimension in Romans, recognizes Paul’s wrestling with God’s faithfulness to his covenant with Israel, and upholds the traditional evangelical—and in my view biblical—understanding of justification” (1).  For this month’s blog, we are very glad to make this paper available to you in its entirety: “Romans, Missions and Justification”.

This paper was originally presented at the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society in Atlanta, GA.  Any use of its content should be cited as such.