Degrees and Certificate

Master of Divinity (MDiv)

Designed for those pursuing vocational ministry, particularly the pastorate (95 credits).


Master of Arts in Biblical Ministry (MABM)

Designed for those who wish to sharpen their lay-leadership
skills (60 credits).


Master of Arts in Theological Studies (MATS)

Designed for those seeking non-ordained ministry opportunities both within and beyond the local church (42 credits).


Graduate Certificate in Christian Studies(GCCS)

Designed for those who seek to grow through in-depth biblical
and theological studies (20 credits).

Degree Learning Outcomes

  • Students will be proficient at reading and interpreting biblical Hebrew and Greek, appreciating the rhetorical functions of the biblical books in their original social contexts, comprehending the contours of redemptive history within a covenantal framework, and possessing a very high biblical literacy and trenchant understanding of the Gospel.

  • Students will be conversant with the historic theological loci as well as their biblical bases and historical developments, and possessing a coherent and cogent Reformed worldview.

  • Students will be able to perceive longstanding historical and philosophical trends that have created our cultural moment, discerning the source and interpreting the significance of contemporary events, and apologetically promoting the plausibility of the Gospel.

  • Students will be able to powerfully articulate the Gospel and a desire to spread the glory of God both in conversation and preaching, skilled at clear written and oral communication, understanding the central role of the local church in missions and evangelism, effective at personal discipleship and counseling, committed to the sufficiency of scripture, and proficient at leading others within organizational governance structures.

  • Students are continually growing in Christ-likeness and bringing forth the fruits of the Spirit, having been transformed by the gospel, and living by grace, applying the gospel to all of life.